Total entries = 763961 Total unique entries = 763961 Top 10 passwords !!!Master = 1 (0.0%) !!11QQqqAAaa = 1 (0.0%) !!11aaAA22 = 1 (0.0%) !!11qqaaZZ = 1 (0.0%) !!11qqaaZZzz = 1 (0.0%) !!24Hernandez = 1 (0.0%) !!32beFREE = 1 (0.0%) !!69838 = 1 (0.0%) !!@@69shanna = 1 (0.0%) !!BILLis60 = 1 (0.0%) Top 10 base words stratfor = 603 (0.08%) strat = 191 (0.03%) password = 120 (0.02%) intel = 91 (0.01%) ranger = 67 (0.01%) qwerty = 67 (0.01%) mike = 66 (0.01%) john = 64 (0.01%) tiger = 58 (0.01%) alex = 57 (0.01%) Password length (length ordered) 1 = 24 (0.0%) 2 = 30 (0.0%) 3 = 195 (0.03%) 4 = 2305 (0.3%) 5 = 2971 (0.39%) 6 = 24028 (3.15%) 7 = 24388 (3.19%) 8 = 630696 (82.56%) 9 = 18204 (2.38%) 10 = 11886 (1.56%) 11 = 5699 (0.75%) 12 = 3692 (0.48%) 13 = 1927 (0.25%) 14 = 1920 (0.25%) 15 = 2086 (0.27%) 16 = 2660 (0.35%) 17 = 3051 (0.4%) 18 = 4094 (0.54%) 19 = 3455 (0.45%) 20 = 3725 (0.49%) 21 = 3332 (0.44%) 22 = 3014 (0.39%) 23 = 2474 (0.32%) 24 = 1960 (0.26%) 25 = 1581 (0.21%) 26 = 1158 (0.15%) 27 = 887 (0.12%) 28 = 672 (0.09%) 29 = 557 (0.07%) 30 = 364 (0.05%) 31 = 280 (0.04%) 32 = 646 (0.08%) Password length (count ordered) 8 = 630696 (82.56%) 7 = 24388 (3.19%) 6 = 24028 (3.15%) 9 = 18204 (2.38%) 10 = 11886 (1.56%) 11 = 5699 (0.75%) 18 = 4094 (0.54%) 20 = 3725 (0.49%) 12 = 3692 (0.48%) 19 = 3455 (0.45%) 21 = 3332 (0.44%) 17 = 3051 (0.4%) 22 = 3014 (0.39%) 5 = 2971 (0.39%) 16 = 2660 (0.35%) 23 = 2474 (0.32%) 4 = 2305 (0.3%) 15 = 2086 (0.27%) 24 = 1960 (0.26%) 13 = 1927 (0.25%) 14 = 1920 (0.25%) 25 = 1581 (0.21%) 26 = 1158 (0.15%) 27 = 887 (0.12%) 28 = 672 (0.09%) 32 = 646 (0.08%) 29 = 557 (0.07%) 30 = 364 (0.05%) 31 = 280 (0.04%) 3 = 195 (0.03%) 2 = 30 (0.0%) 1 = 24 (0.0%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 0000000000111111111122222222223333 0123456789012345678901234567890123 One to six characters = 29553 (3.87%) One to eight characters = 684637 (89.62%) More than eight characters = 79324 (10.38%) Only lowercase alpha = 36198 (4.74%) Only uppercase alpha = 1412 (0.18%) Only alpha = 37610 (4.92%) Only numeric = 7294 (0.95%) First capital last symbol = 4561 (0.6%) First capital last number = 52168 (6.83%) Months january = 18 (0.0%) february = 3 (0.0%) march = 53 (0.01%) april = 50 (0.01%) may = 391 (0.05%) june = 77 (0.01%) july = 57 (0.01%) august = 40 (0.01%) september = 11 (0.0%) october = 23 (0.0%) november = 15 (0.0%) december = 12 (0.0%) Days monday = 13 (0.0%) tuesday = 4 (0.0%) wednesday = 2 (0.0%) thursday = 2 (0.0%) friday = 23 (0.0%) saturday = 2 (0.0%) sunday = 10 (0.0%) Months (Abreviated) jan = 621 (0.08%) feb = 175 (0.02%) mar = 2609 (0.34%) apr = 288 (0.04%) may = 391 (0.05%) jun = 610 (0.08%) jul = 323 (0.04%) aug = 300 (0.04%) sept = 39 (0.01%) oct = 212 (0.03%) nov = 306 (0.04%) dec = 291 (0.04%) Days (Abreviated) mon = 1213 (0.16%) tues = 5 (0.0%) wed = 213 (0.03%) thurs = 10 (0.0%) fri = 337 (0.04%) sat = 383 (0.05%) sun = 498 (0.07%) Includes years 1975 = 86 (0.01%) 1976 = 80 (0.01%) 1977 = 78 (0.01%) 1978 = 74 (0.01%) 1979 = 69 (0.01%) 1980 = 77 (0.01%) 1981 = 84 (0.01%) 1982 = 98 (0.01%) 1983 = 76 (0.01%) 1984 = 111 (0.01%) 1985 = 90 (0.01%) 1986 = 72 (0.01%) 1987 = 67 (0.01%) 1988 = 74 (0.01%) 1989 = 53 (0.01%) 1990 = 58 (0.01%) 1991 = 51 (0.01%) 1992 = 48 (0.01%) 1993 = 39 (0.01%) 1994 = 31 (0.0%) 1995 = 55 (0.01%) 1996 = 45 (0.01%) 1997 = 49 (0.01%) 1998 = 52 (0.01%) 1999 = 72 (0.01%) 2000 = 389 (0.05%) 2001 = 214 (0.03%) 2002 = 157 (0.02%) 2003 = 131 (0.02%) 2004 = 145 (0.02%) 2005 = 143 (0.02%) 2006 = 144 (0.02%) 2007 = 146 (0.02%) 2008 = 164 (0.02%) 2009 = 274 (0.04%) 2010 = 457 (0.06%) 2011 = 358 (0.05%) 2012 = 55 (0.01%) 2013 = 15 (0.0%) 2014 = 14 (0.0%) 2015 = 12 (0.0%) 2016 = 16 (0.0%) 2017 = 11 (0.0%) 2018 = 8 (0.0%) 2019 = 15 (0.0%) 2020 = 63 (0.01%) Years (Top 10) 2010 = 457 (0.06%) 2000 = 389 (0.05%) 2011 = 358 (0.05%) 2009 = 274 (0.04%) 2001 = 214 (0.03%) 2008 = 164 (0.02%) 2002 = 157 (0.02%) 2007 = 146 (0.02%) 2004 = 145 (0.02%) 2006 = 144 (0.02%) Colours black = 207 (0.03%) blue = 339 (0.04%) brown = 134 (0.02%) gray = 60 (0.01%) green = 195 (0.03%) orange = 50 (0.01%) pink = 62 (0.01%) purple = 18 (0.0%) red = 1058 (0.14%) white = 111 (0.01%) yellow = 38 (0.0%) violet = 11 (0.0%) indigo = 12 (0.0%) Single digit on the end = 86331 (11.3%) Two digits on the end = 29224 (3.83%) Three digits on the end = 9270 (1.21%) Last number 0 = 6579 (0.86%) 1 = 15562 (2.04%) 2 = 17776 (2.33%) 3 = 18043 (2.36%) 4 = 15635 (2.05%) 5 = 15965 (2.09%) 6 = 15388 (2.01%) 7 = 16192 (2.12%) 8 = 15416 (2.02%) 9 = 16253 (2.13%) || || | | | ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| |||||||||| 0123456789 Last digit 3 = 18043 (2.36%) 2 = 17776 (2.33%) 9 = 16253 (2.13%) 7 = 16192 (2.12%) 5 = 15965 (2.09%) 4 = 15635 (2.05%) 1 = 15562 (2.04%) 8 = 15416 (2.02%) 6 = 15388 (2.01%) 0 = 6579 (0.86%) Last 2 digits (Top 10) 23 = 2638 (0.35%) 11 = 2085 (0.27%) 01 = 2072 (0.27%) 12 = 1586 (0.21%) 00 = 1517 (0.2%) 10 = 1419 (0.19%) 99 = 1212 (0.16%) 77 = 1064 (0.14%) 22 = 1029 (0.13%) 34 = 993 (0.13%) Last 3 digits (Top 10) 123 = 1843 (0.24%) 234 = 482 (0.06%) 000 = 457 (0.06%) 007 = 421 (0.06%) 010 = 411 (0.05%) 001 = 341 (0.04%) 111 = 322 (0.04%) 011 = 320 (0.04%) 009 = 272 (0.04%) 777 = 241 (0.03%) Last 4 digits (Top 10) 1234 = 434 (0.06%) 2010 = 340 (0.04%) 2011 = 272 (0.04%) 2009 = 229 (0.03%) 2000 = 205 (0.03%) 2008 = 129 (0.02%) 2007 = 122 (0.02%) 2006 = 119 (0.02%) 2005 = 117 (0.02%) 2001 = 115 (0.02%) Last 5 digits (Top 10) 12345 = 100 (0.01%) 23456 = 54 (0.01%) 54321 = 24 (0.0%) 00000 = 18 (0.0%) 11111 = 15 (0.0%) 99999 = 11 (0.0%) 45678 = 11 (0.0%) 34567 = 10 (0.0%) 14159 = 10 (0.0%) 77777 = 10 (0.0%) US Area Codes 234 = NE Ohio: Canton, Akron (OH) Character sets mixedalphanum: 416912 (54.57%) mixedalpha: 179381 (23.48%) loweralphanum: 61260 (8.02%) loweralpha: 36198 (4.74%) loweralphaspecial: 27051 (3.54%) mixedalphaspecialnum: 11115 (1.45%) upperalphanum: 10970 (1.44%) loweralphaspecialnum: 9127 (1.19%) numeric: 7294 (0.95%) mixedalphaspecial: 2871 (0.38%) upperalpha: 1412 (0.18%) upperalphaspecialnum: 111 (0.01%) specialnum: 76 (0.01%) upperalphaspecial: 22 (0.0%) special: 12 (0.0%) Character set ordering allstring: 216991 (28.4%) stringdigitstring: 208169 (27.25%) othermask: 190932 (24.99%) stringdigit: 87883 (11.5%) digitstring: 40117 (5.25%) digitstringdigit: 8430 (1.1%) alldigit: 7294 (0.95%) stringspecialdigit: 3292 (0.43%) stringspecialstring: 415 (0.05%) stringspecial: 325 (0.04%) specialstring: 60 (0.01%) specialstringspecial: 41 (0.01%) allspecial: 12 (0.0%) Hashcat masks (Top 10) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 9077 (1.19%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l: 9031 (1.18%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 6722 (0.88%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 5100 (0.67%) ?u?u?d?d?d?d?d: 3891 (0.51%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 3743 (0.49%) ?d?d?d?d?d?d: 3053 (0.4%) ?l?l?l?l?d?d?d?d: 2868 (0.38%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 2743 (0.36%) ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 2325 (0.3%)